Tattoo & Wellbeing



 Vacancies at The Island

  • We're looking for an artist to join our friendly, close-knit team at our plant-filled studio by The Shore in Edinburgh.

    At The Island we host artists who have, or who are developing, their own distinctive style. Or, to put it another way, we want to be a home for people who are artists first (some of our current artists are also involved in other mediums, which we think makes for a great creative atmosphere) rather than tattooing just being ‘a job’.

    Soon we will have the opportunity for someone to join the team 3 days per week, paying the studio a standard percentage (after a probationary period, there will be an option to pay a fixed monthly rent, by agreement with the studio).

    All disposables are provided and are as eco-friendly as possible. The studio has a dedicated photography area, drawing space, multiple printers and tea/coffee facilities. At The Island we also host occasional workshops and events which all the artists can join (previously, these have included a tattoo retreat in the Highlands, and a professional photography workshop).

    Who we’re looking for:

    • 2+ years experience tattooing (at least 1 year in a credible tattoo studio)

    • A distinctive style

    • High professional standards

    • Willingness to be part of a fun creative team – this is not a position for someone who just wants to clock in and clock out

    To apply please email with the following:

    1. A cover letter (attached as a .doc or .pdf file) telling us more about yourself; your inspirations and ambitions; why you would like to work at The Island; and where you see your creative direction going.

    2. A portfolio of your current tattoo work. This can be your Instagram, website, or a PDF portfolio.

    3. A portfolio of how you see you work developing. This can be drawings, mock-ups, inspiration images, etc. We would like to see the direction you want to steer your artistic career towards – even if it is quite different from your current work.

  • Each year at The Island we host a photography exhibition evening, showcasing some of our favourite tattoo projects on our clients.

    For this year's exhibition, we're issuing an open call for a budding photographer to do the shoot and be featured at our Exhibition Night in October. 

    Information about the Photoshoot:

    • Shoot date: 22 September 2024

    • Exhibition Evening: 12 October 2024

    • We'll bring in Hair and Make Up Artists

    • There'll be 4-6 models

    • Shoot can be on location, or we have the use of our studio

    This competition is open to all: you don't need to be a professional photographer.

    The theme of your shoot is up to you, but it must be one that fits with The Island’s values: eco-conscious, artistic and natural.

    It’s important to remember that the subjects of the shoot are our clients, not professional models. You'll need to be able to put them at their ease so they feel comfortable and relaxed – so, plenty of direction and bringing a calm, confident energy is key!

    To Enter The Competition:

    Please email us by Sunday 11 August with the following:

    1. A single page mood board that captures the theme and feel of your shoot (please include imagery that shows the kind of lighting, colouring, any props, etc.)

    2. A short paragraph explaining your concept (in the email)

    3. Links to examples of your previous work, your website, Instagram, etc.

    The chosen photographer will have a hair and make up artist to work with and will receive payment of £300. The photographs will be printed and hung in the studio and will be featured on our social media and website. We will also submit the photoshoot to some relevant magazines for publication.